Short Courses




Learn Local courses are short pre-accredited training that includes short courses in communication, study skills, job skills, preparation to go back to work, reading and writing, maths, English and computers as well as preparation for various industries such as horticulture or hospitality.

Pre-accredited training is flexible and can be tailored specifically to suit your needs and schedule. You can learn in a classroom or online, at the pace that you choose. Class sizes are often small and Learn Local trainers have an informal, yet professional, style of teaching.

There are many benefits to undertaking pre-accredited training at a Learn Local provider such as making new friends, improving your communication or preparing for further learning or work. Completing pre-accredited training can also help you to get new skills that you need for your job or even to change careers. TOID20021

Ask questions, enrol today or register your interest 03 5248 1926 or email



Cafe and Barista Skills

Learn cafe and barista skills in this fun and practical course

Great for those looking to improve or expand employability

$35 for 10 session program

Starts 22 July 2024


Mondays 9.30am - 12.00pm 


Digital Essentials 1



Learn to navigate the digital world using your smartphone or tablet. Great for beginners!

$30 for 10 session program

Starts 18 July 2024





Thursdays 9.15am - 12.15pm





Introduction to Computers


Friendly and fun class to introduce you to your computer and it’s basic functions. Absolute beginners to those wishing to improve their basic skills.

$25 for 10 session program

Starts 18 July 2024


Thursdays 1.00pm - 3.30pm


Foundations of Construction


*** NEW ***

Comprehensive entry level course to equip you with the skills, knowledge and techniques needed to succeed in today‘s demanding construction industry.

$30 for 10 session program



Wednesdays 1.00pm - 4.00pm

Call us to find out more!



Introduction to the Aged Care Sector


*** NEW ***

Considering a career in the aged care sector. This course will provide you with essential introductory knowledge and prepare you for a meaningful career in this growing field.

$35 for 16 week program

Commencement date to be advised



Call us to find out more!



Tax Help


*** NEW ***

Appointments available Thursdays 25 July until 31 October. Visit our Centre to book your spot / call us on 03 5248 1926 / email






Expressions of Interest
for Term 4

  • Introduction to Horticulture
  • gforce and BLLC collaboration - Suite of Employment Programs.
  • Life Drawing
  • Cyber Security

Call us to find out more!

Do you have a craft or skill you would love to share with others in a group setting? With Term 4 on the horizon and planning underway for 2025, now is the perfect time to get involved. Reach out to us and lets create a program together!